What is Positive Psychology?
A New Idea, Focused on the Good.
Positive Psychology was first introduced as an official psychology field in 1998. After the realization that most psychologists have been focusing exclusively on mental illnesses, maladaptive behaviors, and negative thinking for decades; Dr. Martin Seligman brought Positive Psychology to light as a complementary field to traditional psychology. With this refreshing approach, we use Positive Psychology to help individuals flourish and thrive as opposed to settling for “good enough”.
Concepts Backed by Research
Positive Psychology is more than a nice notion, it is backed by scientific research looking into what helps people improve their quality of life along with their overall happiness level. One of the frameworks we utilize is the PERMA-V model which looks at one's Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Achievement and Vitality to enhance their well-being. Uncovering what is already strong in one’s life leads to enhanced life satisfaction which in turn leads to higher commitment towards healthier mental and physical habits.
Wellness Without Mental Well-Being?
At Involve Health, we prioritize well-being as a whole: physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual. The links between physical and emotional well-being are endless and bi-directional. What we think influences each and every cell in our body, and our body chemistry influences our emotions and thinking. We are excited to introduce Positive Psychology sessions in our line of services as an innovative way to help you achieve a higher level of health and well-being.