Who Positive Psychology Helps
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”
– Dalai Lama
While everyone can benefit from enhanced psychological well-being, we tend to attract individuals desiring more:
Intrinsic Motivation
Do you ever feel low on motivation and wonder how to increase it? Motivation coming from within is the single most effective type of motivation. However, finding your real WHY(s) may be a challenge in itself. We are here to help.
Confidence & Self-Compassion
Have you ever heard the phrase “if your best friend talked to you the way you talked to yourself sometimes, they wouldn’t be your friend anymore”? Our true acceptance and love towards ourselves is essential to our well-being. “You can’t heal a body you hate” - Dr. Cole
Work-Life Balance
Unfortunately, being overwhelmed, stressed and beyond busy can be perceived as the norm in many cultures. If something feels off, it is. Positive Psychology helps you tap into your strengths and use them as leverage to reach your own unique balance in your daily life.
Good Habits
If you have ever tried to change a habit or develop a new one, you know how difficult it can be. From determining your true commitment to a specific change to designing your own plan filled with tiny steps, Positive Psychology acts as a doorway to self-improvement. You already have the key - we will help you use it to unlock your true potential.
Peace & Meaning
Peace of mind is accessible to all of us and is at the source of our being. However, it tends to get covered with “stuff” as we get through life. Finding peace and life meaning is often a matter of unlearning as opposed to adding anything new.
Authenticity & Fun
What are your top 5 values? What about your top 5 character strengths? Uncovering our own worth and living a life that is congruent with our own values are invaluable skills leading to deeper well-being. Being you is not only more fulfilling, it is way more fun!