You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.
How is Positive Psychology different from counseling therapy or psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy and counseling have a strong emphasis on understanding and making peace with the past. In contrast, Positive Psychology focuses on the present with the goal of uncovering what is already present to help you now and in the future. Both approaches have valuable benefits and can be utilized independently or in parallel to each other.
Is Dr. Jessica a clinical psychologist?
No. Dr. Jessica has a Master of Science in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPP-CP). In addition, she has additional Positive Psychology coaching training through FMCA along with a certification in Neuroscience of Change promoting neuroplasticity through specific techniques. These credentials (combined with her passion for the topic) led to her status as a Positive Psychology practitioner and coach.
I have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, is Positive Psychology for me?
Depending on your specific situation, you may benefit from Positive Psychology sessions, but it may not be the priority. If you are facing a new diagnosis or find yourself in a mental health crisis, a traditional psychology or psychiatry consultation is a better route. If your mental health is currently stable, Positive Psychology may be a valuable add-on to your other mental health care.
Can Positive Psychology help with trauma processing?
Trauma processing can be enhanced by Positive Psychology but is not the main focus. Dr. Jessica recommends individuals with substantial traumatic experiences to consider EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy prior to or in conjunction with your Positive Psychology sessions. Please see our Trusted Providers page for referrals.
How many sessions will I need?
6 to 12 seems to be the average range of sessions needed to uncover your current situation and move from baseline (or languishing) to flourishing. Having said this, life is never a straight line and challenges will inevitably come your way. Many patients benefit from periodical check-ins (typically quarterly) once their initial concerns are addressed. Alternatively, you may elect to sign-up for sessions on an as-needed basis when you feel you would benefit from it the most.
Will my issues/concerns be addressed or will we only be focusing on “positive thinking”?
We are glad you asked! Positive Psychology is not positive thinking nor does it rely on it as a therapeutic method. It actually finds its effectiveness in defining your current situation (the good, the bad, the ugly) from multiple angles and uncovering your unique, most effective methods to move forward. In order to do so, a deep understanding of your issues/challenges is very important and will not be overlooked.