You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.
How do I know if Functional Medicine is for me?
There are two main groups of people consulting in Functional Medicine: individuals living with one or more chronic conditions and people not feeling well while not being aware of having any health conditions. Regardless of the situation, an initial assessment will provide a TON of information regarding your health and will be well worth your while. However, if you are suffering from any acute injury, illness or active cancer, conventional medicine is the way to go. We will be here to assist you with your recovery.
Will my insurance cover for my Functional Medicine visits?
Unfortunately, no. Chronic conditions management, wellness and preventive care offered at our office are not billable to health insurance. It is however, in most cases, an eligible expense under any FSA/HSA plan. Our objective is to keep our services as accessible as possible while not cutting down on time or quality. Please consult our Fee Schedule page for an estimate of cost.
How many visits will I need?
Three to get you fully started. From there, follow-ups frequency varies from monthly to once every 6 months for an average period of 12-18 months. Most of the time, an average of 6-8 visits are needed, not including coaching sessions (optional).
Will you change my prescriptions?
No. But our plans will help your body function better, and this will often result in less need for medications. To manage any prescription change, we can work with your existing healthcare team or, if desired, we will be happy to involve trusted providers we work with.
When should I expect to start feeling better?
It is our intent to empower every patient with the knowledge of what is going on with their health. So often, this new understanding comes with relief and hope. However, it is not until we fully apply the treatment plan that real change will happen. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. As a benchmark, we expect subjective (how you feel) improvement within the first 2-3 months. Objective (labs, biometrics, etc.) improvement typically takes a little bit longer to catch up but is expected within the first 4-6 months of your Functional Medicine journey.